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Quit Vaping App Redesign

The Quit Vaping App was an app that I saw help a lot of people quit smoking and vaping while I was attending College.. I loved the idea of the app but believed the user experience could use some work. I sought to simplify the design as well as the functionality of the app while still giving the users the key components that would help them quit. I also looked for softer colors in an effort to give the user a more calming feeling

two-standing-smartphones-mockup (1).png

Logitech Sales Website

The Logitech Sales Website was a quick design I created in College. We were tasked with creating a website mockup that worked on the compute, phone and tablet. To me, this meant I was to build this as if it was my website. I sought to keep the design minimalist in order to make the size change from each device functional and the dimensions easily changed. The colors chosen for this one were solely based on my preference because it was my website. The total time spent on this project was around 2 hours because it was meant to be done quickly.

Tablet Img.png
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